Nusfaq Mahmood
275 reviews
I absolutely loved the Book One. There's nothing great when a children's book consists of enough spookiness and creepiness. I cannot wait for my niece to read and enjoy the series.
- 2023 children-or-middlegrades fall-reads-2023
Author3 books10 followers
I listened to the audio of this book and enjoyed it but I love the illustrations in the physical book and I think that adds to the story for readers but either way your read or listen, it's a good, fun read. I love books about imaginary friends but in this case they are unimaginary and that creates a few more challenges because the friends, good or bad, have become real. A fun read.
- junior-fiction middle-grade-fiction
Veronique Pauwels
272 reviews13 followers
De ouders van Ben hebben alles uit de kast gehaald om met hem een onvergetelijk verjaardagsfeest te vieren. Eén probleem. Niemand is op de uitnodiging af gekomen. Een grote ontgoocheling voor Ben. Gelukkig is zijn denkbeeldig vriendje Wauw wel aanwezig. Maar daar heeft de papa helemaal genoeg van. Hij vindt nu Ben tien jaar oud geworden is, dat hij maar eens echte vrienden moet zoeken. Helemaal ontredderd en ontgoocheld vlucht Ben het huis uit. Groot is zijn verbazing als er uit het niets zijn vriend Wauw echt tevoorschijn komt. Maar niet iedereen is blij met die vriendschap. Nieuwsgierig welke avonturen ze samen gaan beleven? Tekeningen van kinderen met grote ogen krijgen steeds dat stukje extra aandacht van mij. Ik weet niet hoe het komt, maar die trekken me gewoon aan. En je hoeft maar deze hardcover in je handen te nemen en vier kijkers ontnemen je direct je adem. Je hoeft er geen schrik van te hebben, want de twee vrienden die je op de cover vindt, zien er ook niet direct heel stoer uit. Ook binnenin vind je deze prachtige illustraties op bijna iedere bladzijde terug. Deze tekeningen zijn een grote aanvulling bij de tekst. Ze geven een extra kracht aan de geschreven woorden. Men heeft voor een groter lettertype gekozen, dit komt alleen maar ten goede voor die lezertjes die starten aan hun eerste leesboeken. Hier en daar wordt gebruikt gemaakt van verschillende lettergroottes, waardoor sommige woorden extra aandacht krijgen. Die woorden geven ook een extra swung aan het verhaal. Het verhaal zelf is heel spannend opgebouwd. De hoofdstukken zijn net lang genoeg en na ieder stuk word je getriggerd om verder te gaan lezen. Naast de spannende en griezelige stukken, heb je ook heel wat grappige stukjes om te lezen. En die maken dat je zonder schrik je bed gaat opzoeken. Dit is het eerste deel van hopelijk nog vele vertalingen van Skeleton Keys. Grappig detail is dat de schrijver en de illustrator zich voorstellen achteraan het boek, helemaal in de tekenstijl die je doorheen het boek terugvindt. Zelfs de vertaalster krijgt een eigen pagina, want zij mag zeker ook extra in het daglicht geplaatst worden. Wat je op de laatste bladzijden ook terugvindt, is het tot stand komen van de tekeningen en de karakters die je in het verhaal hebt leren kennen. Deze reeks mag zeker verder vertaald worden, hier worden heel wat kinderen fan van.
317 reviews24 followers
Familien til Ben flytter fra et sted til et annet hvert år. Da er det naturligvis vanskelig for Ben å få seg venner, men nå fyller Ben år og han har selvsagt invitert alle barna i landsbyen til bursdagsfest. Dessverre er det ikke noen som møter opp. Ingen kommer i bursdagsselskapet! Ben blir selvfølgelig kjempelei seg, men han har i hvert fall Gorblimey, fantasivennen sin. Gorblimey er trofast, hans bestevenn og vil aldri svikte ham. Plutselig viser det seg at fantasien blir virkelig og Gorblimey står rett foran ham, i levende live! I tillegg møter Ben en annen rar figur, Skeleton Keys, som egentlig er fortelleren av denne boka, og herr Keys mener at Gorblimey er et livsfarlig monster. Skeleton Keys er et ganske dandy skjelett, og har i likhet med Bens venn vært en fantasivenn, men nå åpner han dører med sine nøkkelfingre. The Unimaginary Friend handler om vennskap og usikkerhet, både for barn og voksne. Pete Williamsons illustrasjoner lager en uhyggelig stemning, som passer veldig fint med historien. Karakterene er varierte og spesielt to av dem har sine veldig morsomme øyeblikk. Disse to bringer humor inn i en litt skummel historie for de minste i skolealder. Dette er bøker for barneskolen, men det er synd at de ikke er oversatt til norsk da jeg tror de kunne blitt populær her til lands. Skeleton Keys gir hele historien en pakke med sin karisma og rim, og jeg anbefaler å høre lydboken da forfatter Guy Bass gjør en veldig god jobb som forteller.
- borrowed-on-1st-read childrens-books fantasy
13.6k reviews412 followers
Een best avontuurlijk en fantasierijk verhaal over een jongen wiens denkbeeldige vriendjes ECHT worden waardoor hij een skelet (Meneer Sleutelbeen) achter zich aan krijgt. Wat volgt is een heerlijk doldwaas verhaal waar ik veel van heb genoten al waren er dingen die ik minder vond. Daisy was gewoon strontvervelend en ik wilde haar graag het verhaal uit hebben. En Meneer Sleutelbeen mag wel eens luisteren naar mensen in plaats van lekker ze te negeren en doen alsof hij beter is. Nee dank je. Maar ik heb voor de rest echt heel erg genoten en vloog door het verhaal. Leuk dat er wat fantasierijk werd omgegaan met woorden (voornamelijk door Meneer Sleutelbeen), leuk dat fantasievriendjes echt kunnen worden, en oh ja het mysterie rondom vaders was ook leuk gedaan (al vond ik het einde iets te oogrollend, haha).
Leuke illustraties die het verhaal nog meer tot leven brachten.
Oh en leuk dat we een achter de schermen stukje krijgen met schetsen.
- 4-twinkling-stars children-s-books dutch-books
Lars Uiterweerd
11 reviews
Super good book I like scary books.
Gary Vassallo
676 reviews36 followers
I loved this, it was so much fun. It reminded me of Coraline, Monsters Inc. and A Nightmare before Christmas all rolled into one. A great middle grade read!
- audiobooks paperback physical-only
Read- October 2021
- This was super cute and such a fun read for Halloween.
108 reviews2 followers
6.14 on CAWPILE
- 03-stars 2024-read guy-bass
Les McFarlane
168 reviews12 followers
Ever so slightly biased, as I love Stitch Head! Was concerned that I wouldn’t like this book as much, but I shouldn’t have worried- I loved it!
The story is introduced by the handsome bag o’ bones that is Skeleton Keys. He invites us to meet Ben, a lonely, ten year old boy. His parents have planned his birthday party, invited his whole class...but no one turns up. A bereft Ben runs down to the beach where to his bewilderment his imaginary friend becomes...unimaginary!!
The tale then starts to unfold with pace and humour, revealing that Ben is not the first in his family to have an imaginary friend. However, some imaginary friends are more trouble than others and that’s where SK comes in.
A fabulous, rip roaring, funny, touching, clever story. It is made nigh on perfect by Pete Williamson’s wonderful illustrations. The book just wouldn’t be the same without them.
I need to find a class full of lovelies to read this to!! It lends itself to funny voices and cliffhanger book closings!!
13.7k reviews153 followers
A well written, sweet and creepy book that will surely appeal to both adult and children.
I liked the style of writing, the atmosphere, the well written cast of characters.
I look forward to reading other books by this author.
Highly recommended!
Many thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for this ARC, all opinions are mine.
Ben Ward
5 reviews
Read this book with my daughter (5Y). We both thoroughly enjoyed it from start to finish. The story was engaging and the characters were unique. Ended up finishing the whole book in a few sittings! “I liked Daisy even though she was naughty”.
Jadey (the Bookish)
375 reviews136 followers
3.5/5 For the best experience, listen to the audiobook whilst reading an ebook/physical copy. Because the audiobook is amazing, very theatrical with great sound effects, but then you also get to see the illustrations too!!
- audiobook fantasy library-loan
267 reviews8 followers
I love it, it's cute and creepy with a very endearing monster and some wonderfully horrible characters. The art suits the story perfectly.
Jamie Marshall
16 reviews
Who hasn't wondered what a certain key in their set of keys might actually be for? A long forgotten desk drawer, a cupboard, a gate, a long lost door? Well, the narrator and reader's companion of this story (Skeleton Keys), has 10 keys (instead of fingers), and he knows exactly where they will take him - it might be places you'd rather not go! Keys open gateways to possibilities, and this story is full of them. The main protagonist, Ben, who is ten years old, struggles through life with no friends, apart from those of his imagination (the Gorblimey and Daisy). The central theme to the book is friendship, one that all children will need to deal with at some point: Who should he trust? Will his friends come to his birthday party? Why does his dad struggle to believe him so much? What should you do about a friend who makes the wrong choices? Can he rescue his kidnapped friend? This book would work nicely in a Year 3 or 4 class.
Denise Forrest
511 reviews6 followers
Guy Bass’s books are always whacky and this one is no different! Like many children, Ben has an imaginary friend, but unlike most children, Ben’s friend comes to life; he is no longer imaginary; he is UNimaginary. Arriving shortly behind him, is Skeleton Keys, whose job is to capture and contain all dangerous unimaginary creatures. Ben assures Skeleton Keys that his new friend is not dangerous; but there are other unimaginary creatures who are! Of course, they need to work together to capture them. I really liked the concept of the story and I enjoyed the author’s use of language but I found that in the middle, the story became unnecessarily complicated and a bit unbelievable (as if ANY of the story is actually believable!)
Suong Thach
151 reviews1 follower
Meneer Sleutelbeen neemt je vanaf pagina 1 mee met het verhaal door de lezer aan te spreken. Het verhaal begint rustig, maar het tweede deel van het verhaal is avontuurlijk en gaat snel. Het verhaal is een beetje spannend, geschikt voor kinderen vanaf 9 jaar.
Cloud Emely
92 reviews
My 7 year old adored this book and insisted I read it next. How could I say no to such an excited reading recommendation. It was thoughtful and cute, I particularly enjoyed how Beardbeard emulated Pirate talk that a small child may have misheard. Very lovely.
Sean Harding
4,978 reviews30 followers
Bonding with Bass #1
Skeleton Keys #1
I believe I have read this one before - not sure how I felt about it last time, but I don't know it never really grabbed me, I'll give book #2 a go and see how it goes from there.
- bass-guy
Amanda Youngs
242 reviews
Full disclosure: I read this book as part of my work, and listened to the audio book at the same time. The audio book gets 5 stars, and the text itself and illustrations get 4 stars from me. I enjoyed this book! It was fun even for me as an adult. The audio book was read beautifully and the characterisation (especially Skeleton Keys himself) was an absolute hoot. The reader did a great job all round. I was impressed by him. The book itself is beautifully illustrated in gory fashion and the illustrations are a visual treat, going so well with the words. It's only fair to say though that the story does involve elements of gore and horror, but all the violence is what I would call cartoon violence, like you'd find in a Tom and Jerry cartoon. Nobody actually gets hurt and the overall tone of the book is quite light-hearted. I imagine that anyone who is old enough to read the words of the text themselves is old enough that they won't be frightened by the content. I hope this helps anyone who is wondering whether to pick this to read to a child or to allow a child to listen to on their own.
56 reviews10 followers
January 6, 2020A very fun easy to read book
Sadhbh Catrin Murphy
11 reviews
I can't tell if this book is for me but it is still good! I like skeleton keys the most lol
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Author74 books1,656 followers
March 12, 2020Trabajo.
Author25 books42 followers
Well written, with a story that keeps you interested throughout. Lovely to hear read out loud.
Nicole Heuvel
28 reviews
Super cute and creative story.
97 reviews46 followers
The story was good, but the audiobook was FANTASTIC!
952 reviews18 followers
I love this series of books.
The writing is funny and the characters are always great.
Sarah Leather
439 reviews
I read this book to my young children after reading Stitch Head, we all enjoyed it and we'll read more by Guy Bass.
95 reviews
Prima boek. Grappig met veel plaatjes en korte hoofdstukken. Leuke voor een MLP
Frances Coe
282 reviews1 follower
A super class read, completely brought to life by an author visit!